Therapy for Grief & Loss

Move through the darkness of grief,
and find light again.

Supporting adults and first responders
In-person in Manhattan
and online throughout NY & NJ

There are no words to describe what you’re feeling.

YOur life was just flipped upside down by the loss of a loved one or a major life transition, such as a break-up, divorce, loss of a job, or loss of a friendship.

While grief looks different for everyone,
You may be feeling…

  • angry that life unexpectedly changed, and notice you are lashing out at others

  • as if your head is stuck in a dark gray cloud, and it is difficult to focus or concentrate

  • like you are blankly going through the motions of your day, feeling disconnected from your yourself and the world around you

  • anxious, or like you are on edge

  • isolated from loved ones and friends, because they just don’t get it… no one does

  • feeling guilt & regret over the things you “should have done differently”

  • like you are tirelessly trying to make sense of the loss you’ve experienced, and it’s impacting your sleeping and eating habits

    The looping movie in your head of the last time you saw them, the last time you spoke to them, the last time you hugged them, breaks your heart over and over again.

It feels like no one understands the pain of grief and loss… but I do.

Grief is a universal experience and individual process. While we all experience loss at some point in our life, how we move through that loss is our own individual experience. When it comes to grief, we may cycle through varying emotions… every day, every hour, or sometimes every minute.  There may be some losses that we move through in a couple of weeks or months, and others that take years. There is no timeline or “right way” to grieve, there is just your way.

With therapy, you will start to notice the joy and light in your life again. The cloud of darkness that has been looming over you will lift, and so will the brain fog you’ve gotten so accustomed to. Your relationships will start to look how they did before the loss, because you are no longer feeling triggered by the things people do or say to try to be helpful. You will regain control over your emotions, and you’ll feel like you can confidently walk through the world again without the fear of breaking into tears on a whim.

That is where grief therapy with me comes in…

Whether you are trying to survive the ups and downs of everyday life, or anticipating an upcoming anniversary, you will be seen, valued and heard.

Grief therapy with me is supportive and non-judgmental. It’s a place where you can release the range of emotions you’ve been navigating, and feel validated in your experience. You’ll develop self-compassion and grace which will lead you down the path towards healing moments. You’ll also learn about the grief process and how we can honor and remember who or what we’ve lost.

In developing your personalized therapeutic plan, we may discuss CBT, DBT, and Mindfulness techniques that can help you understand and cope with the difficult emotions that you are experiencing. Depending on your goals in grief therapy, we may also dig a bit deeper into the underlying stories and associations surrounding the loss by using psychodynamic therapy or parts work.

At the end of the day, I want you to know:

You don’t have to keep putting on a mask and pretend that everything is ok.

You’re not ok, and that’s ok.

Therapy for grief & loss can help you…

  • No longer feel trapped by your grief

  • Understand and process your emotions tied to the loss

  • Regain control of your mood and emotions

  • Lift the clouds of disconnection surrounding you

  • Find meaningful ways to memorialize and honor you loss

  • Reconnect with loved ones again

  • Start feeling like a lighter and more connected version of you.

Let’s get there together

It’s possible to feel hope, light and joy after loss.



  • Grief is the emotional response we feel in response to a loss. We may experience grief following the loss of a loved one, pregnancy, or job.
    We may also experience grief following a divorce or break-up, a move, medical diagnosis or other life transition where the future we imagined is no longer possible. 

  • Grief is extremely personal, and is different for everyone. It’s dependent on the person, what we lost, and circumstances surrounding it. I would argue there are some losses that we never really get over, we just adapt to what life looks like following the loss, or as some refer to, “the new normal”.

  • I work with individuals experiencing grief due to:

    • Loss of a loved one

    • Divorce, break-up or infidelity

    • Job loss or career change

    • Loved one’s substance use or illness

    • Life transitions

  • Grief therapy can help you cope with grief and loss by building resilience and coping strategies, which can help you find ways to move on in a meaningful way. It is a safe space to explore your feelings around the loss, and find ways to accept and adjust to life as it looks now, while honoring and maintaining connection with who or what you are grieving.

  • Absolutely! Experiencing a sudden and unexpected change in your life that flips your world upside down can feel traumatic. Your brain is trying to figure out how to navigate the world without your person or in this new way of living. It’s a lot for your brain to try to comprehend and figure out. Therefore, symptoms often related to trauma, such as feeling on edge, irritable, exhausted, and disconnected, are common.