Compassionate and personalized therapy for adults and first responders

Heal from trauma, move through grief, and discover your light.

online & in-person therapy for Trauma & grief in nyc & across ny & Nj

You’re tired of seeing yourself repeat the same painful cycles, and are ready to make a change.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You feel like you constantly have to wear a mask to hide the pain you feel inside

  • You’re plagued by thoughts of “not doing enough”… at home, at work, and in your relationships

  • You sacrifice your own needs to meet the needs of others, because you don’t want to be a burden or “too much”

  • Another loss or life change has ripped the rug from underneath you, and you can’t seem to get back on your feet

  • You’re engaging in unhealthy behaviors again, like drinking, spending, or smoking more than you should, even though you’ve told yourself the last time was the last time

You want to set boundaries in your relationships, but you worry that the other person will get mad at you. You find yourself thinking, “Everyone else seems to have it together, so why don’t I?”. The “I should”s are running through your head day and night, and keep you stuck in a cycle of shame and guilt. You want to feel hopeful and happy like everyone else, but somehow you often find yourself living in a shadow.

You feel disconnected or numb from yourself, others, and the world around you. The books, podcasts and social media videos you see about mental health are only bringing up more questions about your past.
You want to stop feeling anxious, but no matter what you do the worrying continues to rush over you like a wave.

The change and lightness you are craving in your life, are overshadowed by exhaustion, anger, and stress, and it feels impossible to know where to start.

How I can help

I specialize in therapy to empower and illuminate you.

  • Empathic therapy to shift you out of the dark and empower you to shine your light.

    Learn More

  • Compassionate therapy to help you weather the storm of grief and loss.

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  • Confidential and non-judgemental support for first responders.

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I’m Jenice
(pronounced like “Denise” but with a J)

I believe there is a light inside of you, waiting to shine.

I’m a licensed clinical social worker and certified clinical trauma professional licensed in NY & NJ.

I specialize in helping adults, especially first responders, to stop the cycles of shame, people pleasing and anxiety, so they can heal from painful experiences, move through grief and discover their light through self-compassion and connection with themselves and others.

How to connect

Life is stressful enough. Getting started with therapy shouldn’t be.

Click this link to request a call or choose a day and time for a free, confidential consultation.

  • Click here to schedule your free 20 minute phone consultation.

    Feeling comfortable with your therapist is the most important part of your path to healing. In our call, we’ll get to know each other a bit and I’ll answer any questions you may have. If we decide we’d like to work together, we’ll have your first appointment scheduled before we end our call.

    If we decide not to work together, I can provide you with referrals for other clinicians who may be a better fit.

  • Therapy is a commitment… to yourself and to your future. Just as I expect you to commit to your therapeutic process, I will commit to supporting and walking alongside you on this journey.

    We’ll meet on a weekly or biweekly basis, depending on what we agree is best for your goals. Together, we’ll evoke curiosity and compassionately shine light on the pain you’ve been experiencing, while understanding the narratives and addressing the behaviors that have been holding you back from living your best life.

  • Throughout our time working together, you will notice small shifts in how you feel within your body, your mood, and in your relationships. Those small shifts will lead to larger growth over time, and eventually you will feel lighter, more connected, and illuminating with confidence.

Personalized therapy that fits your needs.

  • Maybe you appreciate the exchange of energy and being in the same room as your therapist

    If this is you, I offer in-person sessions at my office located in Downtown Manhattan.

  • Maybe your schedule is chaotic and exhausting enough, and you can’t imagine having to commute to yet another place

    If this sounds more like you, I offer online therapy to meet you wherever you are.

  • Maybe the demands of work and/or family fill your day and the only time you get to yourself is after the sun has set

    Yes, therapy is also available for you. I offer late evening sessions where you can release your thoughts before resting your head.

Let the sunlight in.

You’ve been suffering in darkness for long enough… and you don’t have to anymore.